Friday, August 21, 2009

waiting for change

The girls aren't the only ones ready for the beginning of school.

I am, too. I'm looking forward to a more structured existence, one in which an authority other than me dictates where my children need to be at a certain time. My own attempts at imposing structure this summer have failed miserably. I've taken to saying "Wait until next year," for I'm sure I'll be more successful then.

With 5 more days until school starts, I have run out of the intestinal fortitude needed to mandate reading time, impose limitations on sugary foods, monitor TV viewing, referee fights involving possessions and territorial transgressions, monitor computer use, police room cleanups, guarantee the safety of our cats, attend to mounds of laundry, find novel places to hold essential telephone conversations (the latest is inside my car with the windows closed), and preparing balanced meals.

I am ready for a change. And while I was anticipating spending my free time eating bon-bons, watching soap operas and listening to talk radio, there's an even bigger change looming on the horizon.

It's time for me to return to full-time work.

I'm more excited about this than I could have imagined. After almost 10 years of working mostly out of the house, I'm ready to actually GO to WORK. I'm ready to engage in adult conversations without interruptions. I'm ready to put on my work clothes and get down to business. I'm ready.

Wish me luck.

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